Sometimes, You Can See It

As a parent of two older teen sons, there are often times, I wonder if we’ve raised them right.

When their attitudes are stinky, and their relationships are floundering. When they’d rather threaten to “punch you in the face” to show brotherly love than express a kind word. When they’d rather goof off and smart off than do what they’re told and help out around the house.

As a parent, you work real hard to train up your children in the way they should go. You work real hard, constantly hoping your words are matching your own deeds, and somehow, that example is being seen by the tiny feet (now big feet) that follow.

As a parent, you spend long hours teaching the hard lessons, conveying life truths and praying, “Dear Lord, help this child to hear and understand what I’m trying to tell him.”

As a parent, you’re continually pleading with God to protect, guide and help, give grace, and most importantly, to love and help them to realize just how much.

And you wonder…

Are they getting it?

Will they hear it?

Much more, will they believe, receive and repeat it?

Then, in one brief moment, one twinkling of an eye, you get a glimpse…

You and your sons are sitting in a restaurant, awaiting your food, and an elderly couple pulls up in the rain. The husband is bent over in stature, trying desperately to help his wife, who is just as feeble, to get to the door and out of the downpour.

All of this has been in your peripheral vision, not completely cognizant of the events, until at the same split second, you hear your 18 year old’s chair loudly scrape the floor, and by the time you turn to see him, he’s already at the door.

He proceeds to hold the door, take the lady’s hand from her husband (so he can go park the car that’s been running on the curb) and he proceeds to walk the little lady to her table and make sure she’s alright.

Wow. He’s gonna be okay. Not just ok, he’s already become an amazing young man, and I just got to see the proof of it.

This momma’s heart is full. ❤️

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