Purpose and Appreciation


 I wanted to take a minute in today’s post to say, Thank you. This blog hit 400 followers, and I’m just tickled! It amazes me to think that just maybe this little blog is making traction in the blogosphere, and that it just might make an impact in someone’s life. 

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read one of my posts and click that little “follow” button. It means so much for you to care enough to want to come back here. It means so much for you to allow my words to have a little portion of your thoughts today. Thank you

Sometimes, I grow discouraged when I see someone’s blog who just started this year, and they have 1,000+ followers; then, I see another, in the same time frame, has less than 100, and maybe, I think, “Well, I guess, I’m not doing too bad.” However, I am beginning to reconstruct my thinking, because I know that is just simple comparison, and that isn’t what matters most! If you live your life always comparing; then, you’re just simply better or worse than those by whom you compare. I must compare myself by my own abilities and achievements, my own goals and from whence I’ve come. I must compare myself by Him and to that which He’s called me. When I live in that comparison, I will always be able to find my way and know where I’m going… 

I believe our words have purpose. Our words have meaning. Sometimes, they have more meaning than we meant for them to have. Sometimes, they have more meaning than we once believed they might. Our words make up who we are, and they impact those upon whom we encounter. The words we use matter, and though I do believe this, sometimes, I find myself wondering if my words actually can make a difference… 

This is why I chose The Grizzle Grist Mill as the title for my blog. I believe it is important for my words to be given to God, and let Him “grind” them into the purpose and calling to which He has called me. My prayer is He will use the words I have written to impact your life with hope, faith, love and even challenge us both to be more than we thought we could be…

Thank you again for reading, following, and even taking the time to comment from time to time. I pray you are blessed by the words I write, as I know, I have been thoroughly blessed by yours! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

6 thoughts on “Purpose and Appreciation

  1. Congratulations. Such a great post. Yes, the quick and ease that some bloggers achieve thousands of followers is curious. Some admittedly have such stellar websites I see clearly how it happened, but others, not so much.
    I learned some interesting details about ‘followers’ some time ago. A real eye opener and changed my mindset about the entire topic.

    Liked by 1 person

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