Life’s Many Blessings

Don’t discount the bad times with just being bad times. Let Him teach you something, even through the storms of life…

the grizzle grist mill

Do you ever think about how many times God blesses us in a day??

Sometimes, it’s just as simple as receiving a sweet phone call or a little card in the mail.

Sometimes, it’s as precious as getting an extra hug from my teenage son before bedtime.

Other times, it’s getting through the yellow light when I’m running late and really should have slowed down a little more.

Other times, I realize I may have been running late; yet, there was also a wreck that might just have avoided.

Maybe it’s the “surprise” answer to a very long ago prayer.

Yet, what about those times we hold out for that answered prayer that, much later, we realize wasn’t answered for very good reasons?

What about those aches and pains which teach us to rely on Him a little more?

What about those heartwrenching seasons that help us to understand another’s…

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Answer to Friday’s Angle #54

How did you do yesterday? 

If you guessed a granite countertop, you got it! 😊   

See you next week, or on Monday, if you’re following the blog! 😉

Friday’s New Angle #54

It’s Friday again; so, it’s time for another new angle! 😊  

Remember, the answer will be posted here, this time, tomorrow!

He Is All You Need

Thinking of so many who live their lives desperately searching and never realizing the answer is just a prayer away. He is just waiting for you to call on Him…

the grizzle grist mill


The day is dawning; your heart is breaking; the sun bursts through the clouds.

He is speaking your name; yet, you refuse to hear.

You begin your day with cute little answers, a quoted little word.

You try to pretend you are drawing near.


The morning is moving; your heart is aching; the children are skipping to school.

He is calling out to you; yet, you refuse to care.

You continue your way, filling every moment with worry and regret.

You try to pretend all this you can bear.


The sun is setting; your heart is longing; the families are gathering around.

He is shouting across the chasm; yet, you refuse to yield.

You allow the cares of life to consume you, supplying your fleshly desires.

You try to pretend all your dreams are fulfilled.


The night is falling; your heart is bleeding; the stars are shining through.

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For Pure Fun

Ok, so, I saw this picture the other day, and I proceeded to set this to post, and I completely forgot to finish it! Ugh. I’m so sorry to you guys who opened this this morning and thought, “Um, ok…?”

Now, I will complete this…

Source: @PatsyClairmont


A movie I have watched more than five times and would watch again and again would have to be my favorite movie, While You Were Sleeping. This movie is over-the-top-romantic, and as my husband says, I am a “sucka for love;” so, I suppose it totally fits. 😊

If you haven’t seen it yet, pull it off Netflix, snuggle up to your loved one and watch it tonight…or if you have to work early in the morning, plan it for Friday night.😉  This movie is so sweet, so practical, and so realistic. The extremity of circumstances is definitely “movie worthy,” but the thought that you could actually fall in love with someone else when your ‘first love’ is a complete fantasy is totally realistic. I won’t give you the spoilers; so, you can watch and enjoy, but you’ll see what I mean when you follow the story.

I’m also a big fan of Sandra Bullock’s delightful personality and Bill Pullman’s charming smile. These two are great together on the screen. The movie has a couple of other actors who are not so small in name, and they work together to make this one of the best romantic comedies.

There are a few other movies I can watch over and over, too. These would have to include… The Lord of the Rings trilogy, White Christmas, Sleepless in Seattle, Little Women (Katherine Hepburn), Tombstone (edited 😉), El Dorado, Jeremiah Johnson, … Yeah, you could say I’m pretty much a “classic, eclectic, hopeless romantic cowgirl!” 😂😂

I’ve also seen almost every animated movie there is at least twice, and some I can even quote verbatim; however, I might have to say these lend themselves more to my sons’ choosings at various stages. Lol!

So, what about you? What’s a favorite movie of yours? Is there one you’ve seen a gazillion times and would still watch it again? Feel free to share. I’d love to know! 😊

Tuesday’s Treats #4

Mojo BBQ

Location: St. Augustine, Fl 

  Mojo BBQ is, hands down, one of the best BBQ restaurants I have ever been to. We found it while traveling through St. Augustine, Florida, and I just wish we had one in Georgia! To begin with, the atmosphere is just cool with the painted brick walls, concrete floors and wood slat ceilings, and you can smell the BBQ smokers as you walk up to the door. 

We ordered the smoked chicken BBQ nachos to start, and we might should have remembered this, as we made the rest of our selections, because I think our eyes were bigger than our stomachs! These were incredible with hickory smoked chicken, jalapeños, smoked tomatoes, Mojo BBQ sauce and Jack and cheddar cheeses melted on top. 

We followed this with beef brisket, pulled chicken, smoked turkey with BBQ pit beans, smoked yellow corn, hand cut fries and mashed potatoes with gravy. Everything was just incredible!! We ate till our bellies hurt!
 Next time we’re in St. Augustine, this is a must stop! 

You can find their menu, address and any other needed information on their website here

Tell it Tuesday w/ B. Parker: A Few Things You May Not Know About Prayer

I wasn’t able to comment on this blog, but the content is so good, I couldn’t help but reshare it. I hope it ministers to you.

Have you ever hit a low point? A point where you felt like God had abandoned you? Maybe you felt like you were praying to no one. Maybe you even doubted God’s very existence.

I have.

Those moments are so hard, especially when you’re so used to having total trust in Him.

I cannot tell you how many times I have flat-out asked God if He cared about me, or if He was even real.I’ve asked Him to prove it to me. Then I feel guilty. Guilty for asking Him to prove something to me, like He has something to even prove.

So the very fact that you don’t trust Him enough makes the low moments you’re already going through even tougher.

I’ve been trying very hard to make more time for Him. I feel like we sometimes forget that God isn’t our servant. He does not exist to…

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The Little Things

I know last week was Valentine’s Day, and we celebrated “love” and all that ‘mushy stuff’ then, but I was thinking about my marriage today, about our 20th anniversary coming up in a few months, and I’d like to share a little secret with you…

It’s not always the big stuff that will make you fall in love with your spouse every day. It’s not the dozen roses that he might bring or the expensive ring he might buy. It’s not the extravagant dinner or the fancy theater on which he splurges. It’s not even the great big words used to describe his love or the great big card on which he wrote them. 

Yeah, all those things are beautiful, fun and exciting. They make celebrations special, memorable and great posts for social media. But the things that make me fall in love each and every day are the little things…

The placing of reservations in the nice hotel the night before he speaks at the State Capitol; so, we don’t have to fight the traffic at 6am…because I’m just not a morning person.

The patience he has to wait beside me in the coffee line before we leave the hotel…when he doesn’t even drink coffee.

The phone call he makes to see where I am, because I dropped off our son a half hour ago and decided to drop by the grocery store before coming back home.

The walk down the hall and around the corner to ‘drop by’ my office just to see what I think about a new idea.

The excitement he brings our boys by taking them on an adventure while I have a meeting or other obligation to attend.

The way he looks at me across the room, without saying a word, to tell me he believes in me and knows I can do this thing.

These are just a few of the many little things that make our love so big, and it turned my thoughts toward God and His love for us. He is so much greater, and His love runs so much deeper than anything we could ever imagine. He shows us His love every day in so many big ways; yet, it’s the small ways that often bring me to greater emotion…

The song that comes on the radio to lift my spirits just at the moment I’m feeling a little blue.

The flower that blooms despite the wind and the rain.

The people who just “happen” to be there when my husband and I are meandering through the halls of the wrong building trying to find the office we are looking for.

The snow that falls on the day it wasn’t supposed to, but it falls anyway just to show the weatherman it can.

The peace He brings my heart right as I step up to the podium wondering why in the world I am going to speak on what I chose.

The voice mail left on my phone by a friend who calls just to say how much her pastors mean to her and the difference they make.

It’s the little things, sometimes, that bring the biggest impact…the little words, the smile, the hug, the phone calls. Why don’t we try today to share our love toward others in those little things? Why don’t we make an effort today to share our love in the little things toward our Heavenly Father?

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22: 37-40




Answer to Friday Angle #53

Did you guess right yesterday??

If you guessed a tree trunk, you guessed right! 😉

Hope to see you Monday for a good read and next Friday for another New Angle! 😊

Friday’s New Angle #53

Are you ready for another New Angle today?? 😊

Remember to back here tomorrow for the answer!