Let Truth Reign

What would you change about modern society?

If there was one thing I’d change about our modern society is to restore truth as actual truth.

It is a tragedy to watch as so many mainstream sources will flat out lie about a given situation, and although truth eventually comes out, the original lie is never accounted for, apologized for, or redacted.

It’s as if we can publicly say whatever we want, no matter if it’s slander, lies, false accusations, or what, and it’s simply to be tolerated and allowed.

Now, without getting into a political debate, I do have to say, even this allowance of fallacy seems to be catered to more on one side of the political arena than the other as well.

Even when “everyone and their brother” can recognize the falsehoods (and I’m talking blatant lies here!), we are demanded to agree, accept and comply.

And if we don’t, we are outcast, berated or just plain thrown into a camp of those who have been relegated as troublemakers or hyperbole speakers.

Whatever happened to truth in the facts?

Whatever happened to truth in the evidence?

Whatever happened to common decency in disagreements and having different sides of the same story?

Oh, right. I tend to forget…

If I disagree with you or I dislike your relative truth, I am railroaded as a hater, a radical, or someone who is just too stupid to understand these modern times and cultural issues.

Nope. Not doing it. I’m not stupid, and I work hard to never be a hater.

Relative truth will not stand the test of time.

Relative truth is based on shallow beliefs, shallow arguments, and shifting testimonies.

Relative truth has no depth because it has no substance.

When a foundation has no substance, it is unstable in all it’s ways.

When a foundation has no depth, it will crumble under any weight it needs to bear.

And you surely cannot build your life, your home or your legacy upon it.

It will be washed away by the tide of the adversity and blown away by the storms of life.

If you want this modern culture to thrive and sustain beyond this generation, somebody is going to have to rise up and start rebuilding on some absolute truths.

But I digress.

This message of absolute truth may not be the one you, my reader, wants to hear…

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.

John 16:13-15

And you shall know thetruth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32

Love Me Challenge #28

What have I learned in these 28 days of this Love Me Challenge?

1. Challenges can be fun

2. Challenges can be challenging

3. Sharing your heart in factual questions/answers about yourself can be both fun and challenging. 

4. Sharing your heart by answering questions from someone else’s creation can draw out things you haven’t thought of in years, or even, never really put a lot of thought into until that moment. 

5. Lots of people read these kinds of posts but not so many join in with you…But that’s ok! 😉💕 … and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all the “join ins,” as well as, the encouraging words. You guys are simply the BEST! 💗

Love Me Challenge #27

Oops! So sorry, I thought I had posted this. 

What have I accepted about me through this LoveMe Challenge? I have definitely accepted that I’m unique. I’m quiet. I’m scarred. I’m doing some things right. I’m flawed. I have a past, and I have a future. I am loved, and I am an overcomer!

This has been fun! I hope you have enjoyed it, too. 😊

Love Me Challenge #26

I have a bottle of J’Adore, given to me by my sweet love, and because it is costly, I don’t wear it very often. Yet, every time I do, I feel beautiful. 

I have to say, it makes me feel beautiful not because of the particular smell and not because it costs so much. It makes me feel beautiful, because my husband and I had previously had a conversation about fragrances and how I’d like to know the kind he liked on me. So, that holiday season, he went off to the mall (keep in mind, he does not like to shop!!), wandered around the fragrance counters of a particular store, smelling all the different colognes and perfumes, and he finally came across this one. 

He said it made him think of me. He had it wrapped and gave it to me at Christmas. Call me a sap, but it made me cry.❤ This is one of the many reasons I love him…he makes me feel beautiful every day!

Love Me Challenge #25


Our boys make me laugh all the time. They are so fun and funny. They really keep my on my toes! 😊

Comedians make me laugh sometimes, too, but it definitely depends on their humor and the condition of their words. Honestly, if they’re gonna cuss every other word or be crude and perverted, I just don’t see the humor in that. However, Tim Hawkins, Jeff Foxworthy or Jeff Allen can crack me up anytime! 😂 I even like some vintage humor like The Carol Burnett Show with Tim Conway and I Love Lucy!

Hope you get a good laugh from these! 
**Note: I do not own or possess any of these linked sites/videos. Simple google and link search to YouTube videos. If this has violated any copyrights or trademarks, please let me know, and I will gladly remove.**

Love Me Challenge #24


This might seem like a little of a repeat from #19, but there’s really no way I can answer differently. My God, my husband and our boys make me happier than anything in this world! My God has become my Refuge, my Strength, my Peace, my Friend and so, so much more! My husband has become my best friend, my love, my confidante, and the list could go on and on. Our boys just bring so much joy, adventure and laughter in to our lives, I couldn’t imagine life without them!! …any of them!!


I will have to say, another thing that makes me happy is great friends, especially lifelong or what I like to call “covenant” friends, because lifelong/covenant friends are hard to find. Covenant friendships don’t come into your life by chance nor are they birthed only from easy, fun-filled times together. Covenant friendships are birthed by choice and, often, through moments when you join arms and hearts and walk through the fires of life together. Life long friendships withstand the frivolous, the petty and even the physical miles that may grow over time. When you find one of these, hold onto them, cherish them and never let them go. Over the years, no matter the distance between you, you will be glad you did! 😉

Love Me Challenge #23


Some might say my best feature is my smile. My friends might say it’s my eyes. I’ve heard others say it might be my hair or my tall physique. My husband would say…well, he just left the room when I asked him; so, I guess, I won’t be getting his answer for this post. If you ask me, my first response would be, “I don’t know.” This is really a difficult one for me, because I don’t like looking at myself and trying to figure out these kinds of answers. I’d rather talk about you and brag on your best feature(s). That is much more fun!

Yet, if I could say what I’d like my best feature to be is not something you will see at first glance, and it might not even be something you’ll notice at our first meeting of one another. However, once you get to know me, you’ll see I have a quiet, gentle way about me, and I have a knack for noticing small details. Sometimes, this trait will make me excruciatingly slow and meticulous, but when I’m “on it,” it allows me to see things others might miss. It causes me to see a pain in someone’s eyes when all the room sees their smile. It creates within me an ability to connect with the quiet, the lonely and the fearful. It allows me to see past the facade and smokescreen that someone may be giving in order to see the inner need to just belong and be loved.

I may not always see those little details, and I may very well “miss it” from time to time; however, when I’m listening closely to His voice and being in tune with His direction, this small ability becomes a great big asset in the Father’s hands, to be used for His glory, not because I’m ‘all that’ but because HE is.

Love Me Challenge #22


The quality that makes me unique the most is probably my quirkiness. LOL. I wrote a little about it here, and I have often found myself feeling annoyed, frustrated or just plain embarrassed by this quirkiness; however, as I grow older, I have come to accept it as a part of me. Now, I work harder to allow Christ to reveal Himself through all of that, and I have realized when I rely more on Him than myself, His uniqueness is all I need! 😉





Love Me Challenge #21


I am so proud of my God!! He is something else! If you haven’t met Him, you should, because He will change your life!! ❤

and I’m so proud of my husband and our boys! They are so incredibly awesome, and I truly don’t deserve them; however, I am so thankful God brought them all into my life!! ❤

(this, of course, is a younger pic of them, but they are growing into such fine young men!)

Love Me Challenge #20


I wrote a post a long time ago about what I love to wear…



I am one of those “odd people” who would rather wear boots than anything else. I pull out my boots at the very first sign of cooler weather, and I am probably one of the very last who put them away for the season. So, here in Georgia, I wear them about 6-7 months out of the year, depending on how the weather works out that year. haha!

I love all kinds of boots, but this is one of my favorite pairs, because my love gave them to me as a birthday present. They were the first pair of real cowboy boots I’ve ever owned (or as an adult, at least)…