

I sit and ponder

Wondering what words to use

I read. I peruse. I pause.


I stand and wait

I listen intently for what You have

I look. I walk. I breathe.


Sometimes, I wonder if I hear clearly.

Sometimes, I question if you care.

Sometimes, I doubt I am able.


I know You have best in mind.

Yet, I struggle with the waiting.

I know Your love is the best.

Yet, I wrestle with the longing.

Nothing can compare
Nothing can comprehend

Nothing can hinder

Nothing can resist
You are my everything
Even when I feel undone


I know You are below


Even when I cannot hear

I know You are lacking


Even when I cannot see

I know You are beyond

Penned – MG – 7/7/16

Something Out of Nothing

Is it possible that something that doesn’t look like anything–can still amount to something? …I’ve known a face in a mirror much like that…Could it be –no one receives the peace of God without giving thanks to God? –Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts

God is a master of this. Creating something out of nothing… The “week” of creation taught us that. There was nothing; He spoke, and there was light…the earth was void and without form; He spoke, and there was earth and sky. There were no humans; He formed them, and man was made from the dust of the earth and woman from man’s rib. He is the master of creating something from nothing. 

So, why is it when it comes to ourselves, our lives, our dreams that we allow doubt and discouragement to creep in and hinder us from being whom we’ve dreamt to be? Why do we allow the circumstances in which we find ourselves to convince us of a different path than the one He set before us? If He said it, we should believe it. If He directed it, we should have confidence for it. 

I think too often we put too much faith in ourselves, and because we falter, we believe the promise wasn’t for us. Too often, we look to our own strength, our own abilities rather than His strength and His abilities. No wonder we get so weak! We can do nothing without Him. Oh, but when we put our hope and trust in Him, the sky is our limit!! 

Let Him in today. Let Him have control of your life. Let Him invest in your hopes and dreams. Just test Him, and see what He can do. He creates beauty out of ashes. He designs masterpieces out of nothing. That’s His specialty, and He loves you! He is God. Why would we expect anything less from Him?

Meaningless Words

You say you hear nothing
Yet, there are children screaming
You say you see nothing
Yet, there are people dying
You say you have done nothing
Yet, there is blood in your hands
You tell me you have no words to say
Yet, I hear your lies from day to day
You tell me you have nothing to do
Yet, I see the talents you withdrew
You tell me you have nothing to live for
Yet, I feel your heart beating for more

Take a stand for what you believe
Wake up to what you have indeed
Be alert and see what you can receive
Make the most of what you have been given
And give to those, who by need, are driven
Be aware of the life you are livin’
Don’t give up when the battle is hard
Fight with His armor; don’t be barred
Be brave and accept that metal starred
Don’t hesitate when they persecute you
Go boldly and receive their ridicule, too
Be strong and remember He paid the debt due.

Penned – 7/15/92 – MG